Mjog gives back to General Practice through wellness architecture

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Mjog by Livi is on a mission to ensure healthcare workers have the best possible chance to relax and recuperate.

Recent research suggests that a staggering 92% of NHS trusts are concerned about staff wellbeing, stress and burnout. Mjog by Livi wanted to show the importance of giving back to healthcare workers by commissioning a new report, published in partnership with The Future Laboratory, which has shown that ‘wellness architecture’ can reduce stress, heart rate and blood pressure levels.

The report says that by 2030, the GP surgery will be re-imagined to nurture the mental wellbeing of patients and staff alike, with wellness architecture principles that create a sense of comfort and security. No longer simply a site of sickness, the practice will instead be an anchor institution for health and wellbeing.

Giving back through wellness architecture

The Future of General Practice report reveals that 87% of workers would benefit from healthier workspaces supporting staff wellbeing. So, as a way of giving back to NHS workers, Mjog teamed up with celebrity designer and ex-NHS worker, Siobhan Murphy famous from Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr, to create a new wellness hub at London-based General Practice, Mandeville Medical Centre.

Siobhan said: “Reading through the report, I was fascinated by the concept of wellness architecture. Having worked in NHS surgeries and hospitals over the last 18 years, I know how drab a lot of back office rooms can be, and the impact it can have on your sense of wellbeing.”

Today, Mandeville Medical Centre’s back office space is unrecognisable from what it was before. A green, turquoise and yellow colour palette, leafy murals, stylish furniture and plants aim to awaken the senses and soothe the soul. Before, the lighting was stark and oppressive. Now, NHS staff at Mandeville have a brightly coloured space with brand new sofas, modern decor, and warm mood lighting to enjoy.

“Breakout spaces such as these are vital to improving staff wellbeing at work so this isn’t just about a lick of paint, it’s about helping give back to those who’ve weathered the toughest years amid mounting pressure in healthcare,” added Siobhan.

An inviting space to unwind

Whilst life is returning to some form of normality at practice level, many NHS staff on the frontline are continuing to struggle to recover from the long-term impacts of the pandemic.

“It’s been incredibly hard to balance the wellbeing of patients, and practice workers alike, taking into account sickness, staff shortages and an increased demand for GP appointments,” said Barbara Lansiquot, Practice Manager at Mandeville Medical Centre.

“We’re doing our best to keep things going, but it’s been a long few years for our staff and being able to give back to them is critical to support their wellbeing – no matter how big or small that may be. Having this gift from Mjog is not only a massive surprise, but something that will go a long way to making our staff feel happy. It’s quite emotional seeing the space transform from somewhere uninviting, to somewhere we actually want to spend our time.”

Preeti Roopra, Receptionist and Mandeville Medical Centre, added: “We can’t really put into words what this space means for us. We’ve all experienced some extremely tough times over the last few years, spending long hours in the practice and meeting patient requirements. At times I've wondered whether there was any light at the end of the tunnel. Whilst there’s still a long road ahead, this space is something we need in order to switch off, rewind and relax on our breaks so we are better able to provide the best patient care within our surgery. I was so shocked walking into the room - it brought the biggest smile to my face. It means the world."

A practice ally to workers and patients

Mjog’s overall mission is to be a practice ally both to NHS workers and their patients. We understand that pressure within the healthcare sector is at an all-time high, which is why we wanted to say thank you and give back.

Jonathan Duffy, Head of Practices at Livi, said: “We hope that by commissioning this report and research, we will be able to find innovative ways to support our practices and truly improve patient outcomes for the long-term, so the future that’s predicted by the report is something we can play a role in making a reality. So whether it’s a better digital front door that helps alleviate pressure in practice, or a reimagined way to help healthcare workers unwind, the time to say thank you is now. It’s wonderful to see the work Siobhan has done and, best of all, the staff reactions to their new wellbeing hub.”

For more information on The Future Laboratory Report and Mjog, click here.

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