How questionnaires can help your patients this Autumn

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Questionnaires in all sectors are regularly used to measure how satisfied people are with a particular service or product. And in healthcare, they are just as effective in gathering feedback from patients.

Our online Patient Questionnaires help practices monitor and capture crucial data on the health of their patients. They help your practice monitor patients’ long-term conditions, and help you keep medical records updated.

How do patient questionnaires work?

The process is simple; the patient receives a text message containing a link. The link then opens a secure online questionnaire – which can be accessed via a smartphone or an internet browser. After completing the questionnaire, the patient’s answers are recorded on their medical record using clinical codes. Their answers are also sent to the practice for review via the Mjog by Livi platform.

After completing the questionnaire, the patient’s answers are recorded on their medical record using clinical codes. Their answers are also sent to your Mjog inbox for review

Using NHS Campaign Days to boost patient engagement

Autumn 2022 will play host to a number of significant NHS campaign days, including; National Fitness Day (27th September), World Mental Health Day (10th October), and Stoptober, the annual event that encourages smokers to quit for 28 days in October, with the aim of stopping smoking permanently.

NHS campaign days are a great opportunity to reach out to specific patient groups using relevant questionnaires to collect information on health conditions.

For a Stoptober campaign, for example, data collected from a questionnaire on a patient’s smoking habits could then be used as part of a targeted quit smoking campaign – where your practice provides advice, external links and further support to patients.

Using Mjog’s batch messaging, practices can also share information on local mental health services and resources, in line with World Mental Health Day.

The up and coming campaign days are promoted and discussed on a national and even global scale, and timing questionnaires with such events can be an effective way to increase engagement.

How we can help

To find out more about our patient questionnaires and how Mjog by Livi can help your practice, and to request a demo, please email If you’re an existing customer, our product and features are accessible when you log in to our platform.

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